Tuesday, October 11, 2011


In the movies and old storybooks, there are tales of the underdog and how it rises to the top. The underdog always wins. The rule of ancient literature is that a story usually ends in a wedding or a funeral- happy or sad. Usually though, the underdog always wins because the reader needs to be satisfied.

That isn't reality.

The reality is that everyone thinks they are the underdog, and no one thinks they are the enemy.

So I can imagine the pickle that is presented to God  (He is never in a pickle by the way, and no the Message version did not tell me that) when a few of his children read Psalms and cry, "Give my enemies what they deserve God! I will wait on you!"

There's nothing wrong with reading Psalms. Or the Bible. Or praying Psalms.

But past Psalms, there are the 4 Gospels that tell the story of how Jesus died for all.

Kinda throws a curve ball into the whole "Avenge mine enemies, O Lord" thing, huh?

So imagine the pickle when God's children are looking up at Him begging Him to kill the other and vice versa. I wonder what God thinks?

God said something when He was teaching one day on a mountain about this whole situation. He said "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you. (Matthew 5:44)"

Those are the hardest words I've ever eaten. And I am determined that I will not pray the Psalms prayer until after I make the Matthew prayer the Bread that my body depends on.

 ...because in the end...the underdogs...ALL of the underdogs win. And the enemy will be defeated. It will be his funeral, and afterward there will be a wedding and a feast...

Because HE wins. God wins. Forever.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

One day.

One day I will build an orphanage with a similar view surrounding it. One day. 



Thursday, April 21, 2011

And when words fail...

....sometimes you just have to try and tell the story with a picture.

Divide and conquer. OR. Just let loose and conquer it all.


Friday, February 18, 2011

"Go to your happy place."

They tell you right before they're about to give you a shot, "Go to your happy place."

Your therapist advises you when you feel that sudden urge of rage to, "Go to your happy place."

"Go to your happy place."

For some people, it's a beach with the perfect mixture of warmth and a slight breeze.
For some people, it's Heaven with a loved one that they ache to see.
For some people, it's sitting at a donut shop in a world where calories are non-existent.
For some people, it's a care-free life.
For some people, it's a world with no problems, crime, heartbreak, or fear.
For some people, it's a never ending path to jog with nothing but them and the concrete.
For some people, it's a really, really long nap.
For some people, it's a huge raise.
For some people, it's being debt free.

Everyone has their idea of their own "perfect world" or "Heaven on Earth" or "happy place."

Now imagine with me for a few seconds that your happy place....is real.

No really, imagine with me.

Imagine that you're out of debt...imagine that you woke up every day to everyone happy, every loved one alive and well, every relationship fully functional and healthy, and no regrets in your mind.

Seriously, imagine with me a world where maybe it rained Hershey bars every now and then. Literally, Hershey bars. Or maybe we could all fly instead of drive cars. I'm serious. Keep imagining.

Imagine a world where you could wake up whenever you wanted, tend to responsibility whenever you wanted, ate whatever you wanted, had as much money as you wanted, all of this. Imagine it.


Imagine someone looking at you in the midst of all of this "personal Heaven" and saying, "Okay. Time's up. Time to go back to reality."

Excuse me?

Someone would get punched.


I find comfort in the fact of knowing that the human mind can't comprehend Heaven. It makes me feel less guilty about "dreaming up a happy place" because I know God has to chuckle and say, "Oh Kendra. You're just not going to know what to even do with yourself when you get here."

True. Very true.

But what if I told you that I found my happy place?

What if I told you that I have found a place where reality still reigns supreme, but it's almost like Heaven?

I'm sitting in the lobby of a hotel smack dab in the middle of this place right now.

The beds and showers and people are all my size :)

They smile, I smile. They love, I love.

I guess what I'm trying to say (if you're still reading), is that I've found my happy place. I've found my personal Heaven. And the incredibly odd thing is that reality flows through this place, and it's still Heaven.

And on February the 28th, they will look at me and say, "Time's up. Back to reality. Leave your key on the counter on your way out."

No spiritual meaning this time. Just raw. Try me again tomorrow.


P.S. His ways are not our ways, and His thought are not our thoughts....

But when they just happen to collide every once in a while...there is an incredible suffocation of peace that you experience. And that feeling, is better than drugs. I can honestly testify to that.

Until next time, Mahal Kita-